Shipping & Delivery
Squeak will post to anywhere in the world from Melbourne, Australia. All orders will be sent out within 1-3 business days. If, for any reason, your order will take longer to dispatch, you will be notified via email. Please note that packages can not be re-routed to another address once it has been sent. For this reason please make sure that your delivery address is 100% accurate when placing your order.
Please be aware that Squeak is not responsible for any lost or stolen packages, as well as any extra fees or charges incurred whilst entering into another country.
Australian Deliveries
Most Australia orders have free postage! If, however, you are purchasing one of our acrylic artworks, we do charge postage as we require a courier service for this product. But don’t worry, you can always check how much it will be in your cart before you purchase anything.
Either way, delivery should take between 1-5 working days. If you do not receive your package in the mail within one and a half weeks, please notify at and we will check on the order status immediately.
International Deliveries
For most international orders a flat rate of $30.00 AUD will apply. However the price may change if ordering multiple products. Make sure you have a look at your shopping cart to see the full cost of postage. Delivery should take between 1-4 weeks, however this time may vary. All deliveries will be registered with Australia Post, however only limited tracking services will be available. Once sent, a package identification number will be emailed to you. In order to check on the status of your delivery, go to the Australia Post website.
Please be aware that Squeak is not responsible for any lost or stolen packages, as well as any extra fees or charges incurred whilst entering into another country.